
Farmers?! / Screening at Cork International Film Festival

Congratulations to all the cast and crew on the short film 'Farmers?!', which will screen at Cork International Film Festival on Sunday 9th November. Directed by Freddie Leyden and cast by Áine O'Sullivan with the help of Fishpond.

About Farmers?!
"A farmer in the west of Ireland tries to connect with a local young man over their shared artistic interests. When he is rebuffed, it devastates him. In his anguish, he returns home and performs a song in his office, ending with an explosive emotional outburst, and his death. Later, a group of his farmer friends gather at the auction of his estate. These men find themselves completely unable to connect or express their grief. Intense repression leads to further explosions, and the emotional release they desperately need finally comes through ceremonial dance and primal screams, conjured by the ghost of their deceased friend."
- From corkfilmfest.org 

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